As one of his final acts, I wish Barack Obama would tells people to breathe so that that way a particular segment of our society will compulsively stop doing so.
Happy Holidays! 😊
As one of his final acts, I wish Barack Obama would tells people to breathe so that that way a particular segment of our society will compulsively stop doing so.
Happy Holidays! 😊
Da Mic Drop is a regular segment, where we look at people who make such a pointed "standing-ovation-worthy" commentary in regards to a person or issue that it has to be highlighted.
America just told all those people, my wife, my son, the planet itself, that it doesn't value them, it doesn't like them, it doesn't care what happens to them so long as they can feel safe and pretend new jobs are going to magically appear out of nowhere and go about their lives like it's still 1950 without anything anything even slightly outside their definition of "normal" coming along to shatter that illusion.
Yesterday, I went to my polling place and exercised my constitutional right to vote, an act which has always made me feel immensely proud to be an American.
Tomorrow, I will try to take heart in the fact that those of who didn't give in to fear and hatred yesterday are strong, and technically more numerous than those who did. That the majority of us are fundamentally good people, and that even the good can occasionally fall, that the better angels of their nature can be, momentarily, overwhelmed by their fear or ignorance, and that they'll eventually see the error in aligning themselves with the truly evil, those who legitimately believe the hatred and bile routinely spouted by our new president.
I will try to believe that we will pick ourselves up and dust ourselves off, and continue to fight the good fight, continue to do good, no matter how much harder it is now, no matter how many obstacles are put in our way, for as long as we have a planet to fight on.
Because doing good is the right thing to do. But today...Today, I have never been more ashamed to be an American. (emphasis mine)
People are tired of the guys who spout fucked-up and incoherent messages, so they voted for Trump.
That makes sense. I myself am tired of this persistent,pesky cough I've got so I voted for the bubonic plague.
In a bizarre case of ironic timing, this site has recently covered the beginning of the "Iceman's bigoted dad" subplot in Uncanny X-Men #289. And we are currently only a few issues away from Graydon Creed's appearance in #299. The funny thing is that when both of these people appeared, at the time they were being derided for being too exaggerated and over-the-top with their prejudice to be believable. Before this year, that was an assessment I would have agreed with. Now though...
Da Mic Drop is a regular segment, where we look at people who make such a pointed "standing-ovation-worthy" commentary in regards to a person or issue that it has to be highlighted.
"Voting is pointless"*The same could be said for getting out the virtual corkscrew to pop open a bottle of vintage Internet whine (this years vintage has been made from particular ripe sour grapes), and yet people seems more than willing to engage in that.
Da Mic Drop is a regular segment, where we look at people who make such a pointed "standing-ovation-worthy" commentary in regards to a person or issue that it has to be highlighted.
"I come here today to talk about how I feel, and I feel like we are treated differently than other people, and I don’t like how we are treated just because of our color and it doesn’t mean anything to me.I believe that we are black people and we shouldn’t have to feel like this. We shouldn’t have to protest because y’all are treating us wrong. We do this because we need to and have rights.I’ve been born and raised in Charlotte and I never felt this way until now. And I can’t stand how we’re treated. It’s a shame that our fathers and mothers are killed, and we can’t even see them anymore. It’s a shame that we have to go to the graveyard and bury them.And we have tears, and we shouldn’t have tears.We need our fathers and mothers to be by our side."
You can lead a horse to water, but you cant make him drink.
If you lie down with dogs, you'll to get up with fleasOf course it seems more prudent of us to simply give that mangy ol' dog a bath (or alternatively to go get the dog "fixed") 😆
Da Mic Drop is a regular segment, where we look at people who make such a pointed "standing-ovation-worthy" commentary in regards to a person or issue that it has to be highlighted.
Things that make you patriotic.
1. Being kind to each other
2. Respecting others beliefs or non beliefs
3. Helping each other
4. Loving each other
5. Supporting troops both during AND AFTER the war.
6. Paying your damn taxes. You want the benefits of living here, You have to pay up. I'm told life isn't fair, we're told that frequently so why should it "be fair" how much you pay in taxes? Luke 12:48 "From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked." You want to say we are a Christian nation, then start acting like it.
Things that DON'T make you patriotic
1. Flag Pins on your lapel when running for office
2. Saying you support the troops, but cut funding for their food stamps housing, education funds, mental & health services after coming home from war.
3. Being a Christian.
4. Putting your hand on your heart during the national anthem
5. Standing during the national anthem.
6. Reciting the pledge of allegiance
7. Being white
8. Being a Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Green Party, Hippy, Trump Supporter or what ever, no one party owns the rights to patriotism.
9. Draping yourself in the flag.
10. Telling others what they say is Anti American because YOU don't agree with it.
11. Thinking the Constitution begins and ends with the 2nd Amendment, and for forgetting that the 2nd Amendment STARTS "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,"
12. Saying immigrants aren't welcome. Unless you are a Native American you come from Immigrants too.
Let's get some things straight.
Colin Kaepernick is an American citizen.
He has Constitutional rights.
He has rights Jefferson referred to as "natural born rights."
He is not a second class citizen, no matter if you agree with and disagree with his stance.
He does not need for you to give him permission.
He does not need for you to tell him it's okay.
He has every right to give his opinion about this or any other issue he wants to.
Just because he signed a labor contract does not mean he loses any of his Constitutional rights, including the rights to free speech.
That labor contract bought his services not him, because he is not a slave.
Buying his labor does not prevent him from exercising his Constitutional or human rights.
If you do not agree with any of these, I have one question for you.
What country do you think you live in?
Here in this country, the land of the free and home of the brave, we have Constitutional rights that can not be infringed.
Who disagrees with this?
Da Mic Drop is a regular segment, where we look at people who make such a pointed "standing-ovation-worthy" commentary in regards to a person or issue that it has to be highlighted.
–Verified a
"Who cares?"And even by "prurient interest" standards, this is a boring old rerun. Not enough investment for the the public at large to grab the Pearls of the Titillated Busybody for which they may clutch in Scandalized Outrage.
"All men are created equal""It's just that somen men are more equal than others" --Veronica Lodge ("And stop saying that I bastardized that quote from Animal Farm. My servants doing research assured me that it was an original idea I came up with all on my own! Besides it's so hard the think up sayings when you have to worry about whether Archie asked that bitch Betty out on the same day as you like he did 5,000 other times. Let's see George Orwell deal with important issues like that! And where the hell is the chauffeur with my Lamborghini...")
Recent history has shown time and again that law enforcement needs transparancy of cameras and scrutiny of the public (who remeber, they are suppose to be SERVING.)
"When you insist on lying in the gutter, where else can one look but down. Now if you really want, I can help you up; even rinse you off (unless you're covered in fecal matter, then, brother, you better wait until I get the decontamination suit and more scented candles than a Pier One warehouse), but for Pete's sake, don't pull me down with you just so your stank ass can meet someone eye-to-eye."
Da Mic Drop is a regular segment, where we look at people who make such a pointed "standing-ovation-worthy" commentary in regards to a person or issue that it has to be highlighted.
That is what Barack and I think about every day as we try to guide and protect our girls through the challenges of this unusual life in the spotlight, how we urge them to ignore those who question their father’s citizenship or faith.
How we insist that the hateful language they hear from public figures on TV does not represent the true spirit of this country.
How we explain that when someone is cruel or acts like a bully, you don’t stoop to their level. No, our motto is, when they go low, we go high. (Emphasis mine)
Da Mic Drop is a regular segment, where we look at people who make such a pointed "standing-ovation-worthy" commentary in regards to a person or issue that it has to be highlighted.
New segment here, where we look at people who make such a pointed "standing-ovation-worthy" commentary in regards to a person or issue that it has to be highlighted.
AnBheal "Liberals condescend to 'these people' at their peril"??? Oh man, I am so sick and tired of professional blowhards spouting this Libertarian lie!!! No, Mr. Yimberg, YOU condescend. The TeaParty condescends. The mainstream media condescends. And Libertarians make more money from encouraging the condescension. Liberals (in any sane interpretation of the term, a la Gladstone or Burke or FDR) do just the reverse. They advocate for higher incomes, better union representation, and a bigger slice of the political, economic, and juridical pie.What Liberals sometimes do (a la Thomas Frank) is occasionally scratch their head and wonder why a teen burning a flag in New Jersey or a gay couple getting married in Vermont or a scared college student getting an abortion in Manhattan could possibly convince a coalminer in West Virginia to vote for a politician who promises to ruin the coalminer and his family. That's not "sneering". That's not "condescension". In fact, it's a super-Hegelian dialectic, wondering how in heaven's name did that poor white person get snookered into giving their last crust of bread to a banker, and doing it willingly?And the answer as Phil Ochs and Nina Simone pointed out, is Mississippi. Racism is the 250-year cancer of the American soul. And if Liberals don't like racism, that is not sneering. That is not "condescension". That is calling a racist cracker a racist cracker, and hoping that he wakes the fuck up, and that some morning he will vote for his own three quarters of a crust of bread, even if a damn n**ger gets a quarter of the crust.Because right now the Tea Party and the Libertarian National Front are selling these sneerable and condescendable crackers a piece of the Brooklyn Bridge that says "Mississippi is great, so long as you're the last poor white, with no bread at all, but one more gun and one more Jesus that those n**gers." And the viciously complicit corporate media sings Alleluia from its Amen Corner.Liberals aren't the problem, you corporate shill!!!
Da Mic Drop is a regular segment, where we look at people who make such a pointed "standing-ovation-worthy" commentary in regards to a person or issue that it has to be highlighted.
D.L.: What I’ll tell you is this … it is not uncommon for you all to see one thing … the only place racism doesn’t exist is Fox News and the police department. That’s absolutely true.
MEGYN: Come on, come on, that’s insulting. You just insulted millions of people watching this channel.
D.L.:And you know what? I’m insulted by the things I hear on this network. I could care less about insulting people that insult me on a daily basis. (Emphasis mine.)
"We're all in the same boat"
Da Mic Drop is a regular segement, where we look at people who make such a pointed "standing-ovation-worthy" commentary in regards to a person or issue that it has to be highlighted.
Da Mic Drop is a regular segement, where we look at people who make such a pointed "standing-ovation-worthy" commentary in regards to a person or issue that it has to be highlighted.
balitwilight 19 hours ago
For a regular, normal, human being (which in America means NOT a "Black Person"), regular normal police tactics are adequate. But when it comes to "Black People", you can never be too careful. Now, apparently, they just need to be blown up sometimes. They have superhuman powers. "Black People" can threaten the lives of two burly policemen who are pressing Glocks against their chest while they lie on their back, unarmed, already stunned from a taser. In such a situation the only reasonable outcome is to kill them. Even when "Black People" are requested to show their license and registration at a vehicle stop, and the police officer is already shoving a gun in their face (and which one of us hasn't had that happen?) - "Black People" can detonate like tactical nuclear weapons when reaching for that requested license and registration. Is it any surprise when the police officer reduces that threat with 4 point-blank gunshots, with a little girl in the backseat? They can still threaten the lives of 16 New York police officers who are hanging around their neck choking them to death in broad daylight for selling cigarettes on the street. (And thank god none of those fine officers was harmed or prosecuted)...
..."Black People" are not to be allowed to touch BB guns in public, even BB guns on sale inside the store they are buying them from. So much so that they need to be shot dead on sight in that Walmart. This includes "Black Children" in playgrounds - even more so, since they tend to grow up to become "Black People". A "Black Child" with a bag of skittles, walking home in his father's neighbourhood can threaten a creepy hair-trigger-temper grown man with a history of maniac violence stalking him with a loaded gun - so much so that he needs to be killed immediately and a jury of fair-minded citizens will find his executioner "Not Guilty". And 60% of Americans will agree.
So... is it any surprise that a "Black Man" who is cornered, surrounded by police, in a siege situation, with no hostages, is so extremely dangerous that he needs to be blown up like an IED in Fallujah? This is how dangerous "Black People" are. In contrast, "White People" (who as a false "race" category created, benefit from, and are largely responsible for this racial dystopia) are extremely benign, innocent and harmless. Is this not obvious? Just look at them walking around untouched with AK-47s strapped over their shoulder while directly threatening the US government and federal agents. Doesn't that prove they are harmless? In fact, for "White People" there is no "they"... just individual actions that rarely implicate any group. You know, like normal human beings.