Friday, June 29, 2018

The "I Loathe Trump" club will now come to order.

Greetings fellow libtards. Before we get on will our weekly task of being both deep-state and "elitists", let me take the floor to dispense this piece of advice.

I always find it weird when som3 some poo-throwing Trumpanzee tries to troll you with "You just hate Trump." The proper response for this is "Yeah? So what? It's with cause." It's not irrational or arbitrary. There should not be any shame in taking that position. Indeed it's the proper stance for all Decent-Americans.

This is the big difference between the people who hate Trump and those who hated Obama

You see we are just practicing what the great Martin Luther King taught preached in which he envisioned a dream where people were judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin. Far too many Trump supporters (and their enablers) would like that to work the other way around.

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