(Dust cobwebs off the ol' blog and chasing away the rats that nested in the neglected corners)
Just somthing I was thinking about the clusterfuck in Charlottesville in responds to this (Mic-Drop worthy) comment by a "Saxo the Grammarian":
Taking my thoughts for a test drive here...
OK, if you were at the protests in Charlottesville, and you threw a rock or a bottle or a brick, you shouldn'ta done it. Regardless of whose side you are on. Causing someone else's serious injury will not advance your cause. It will stop it dead in its tracks, in fact. And you don't need that stain on your soul.
That being said (clears throat), if you traveled to Charlottesville to take part in the neo-nazi rally, and you marched around chanting nazi slogans like "Blood and Soil", and you got a bloody nose or a black eye or a bump on the noggin, I don't have the slightest bit of sympathy for you. You went looking for a fight, it found you, and you get to live with the outcome. You wanted war, you became a casualty. Think twice, count the cost, and understand there are consequences for living your racist dreams.
Sermon over, stay for the potluck
😲 Actions have consequences? Who knew? (Anyone with some goddamn common sense perhaps?)
Here's my related tangent:
I think the problem is that too many people take "Liberal stereotypes" for granted (including, unfortunately, many liberals who feel pressured into internalizing them.) We're suppose to be all wishy-washy and "touchy-feeling" and spineless. We are the "equivocating party." We're suppose to "feel their pain" in a way that transforms empathy into hand-wringing rationalization. Our kindness is suppose to be taken for weakness to the point where it's blunted down to good-natured long-suffering, a Marge Simpson if you will ("Now let's forget this racist carnage with a big bowl of strawberry ice cream!") "Libs" are suppose to be be all "wimpy." We're not suppose to take a stand, remain firm in our resolve and (most importantly) fight back (sometimes vigorously and with passionate fervor). No, we're suppose to be like "the chick" in a stereotypical horror/action movie, a weeping mess flailing helplessly in a corner while her man is being hacked to death by demon axe murders ("LIBERAL SNOWFLAKE TEARS!").Therefore it confuses and infuriates these cretins when we don't act according to (artificially-imposed) orthodoxy with actions that are thought to be "reserved" (you can even say entitled) only for them (cue the "hypocri-shaming!") The fact that we can show gumption and subvert these stereotype being enforced upon us is what the assholes are REALLY protesting. The "America" they want to "make great" again is one where people simply took whatever they hashed out.
THAT is what's different
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